San Clemente
Here at San Clemente we are committed to developing a genuine love of learning in our students. Our young people today belong to an ever-changing world and it is important that they are equipped with the skills, knowledge and capacity to be successful learners.
Our vision is to develop confident and independent students who are lifelong learners, problem solvers, and collaborative, critical and creative thinkers.
Gifted Education
San Clemente is a Gifted Education Lead School in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. We focus on identifying gifted learners and assisting with the process of developing talent by providing specific opportunities for learning, training and practice. San Clemente has high expectations for all students with an increased focus on gifted learners and their needs.

Student Wellbeing
The wellbeing of every student at San Clemente is vitally important. Our school consists of students from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures. It is our goal is to ensure each individual is acknowledged for their uniqueness in a faith filled environment. The aim is to ensure all students feel a strong sense of belonging and connectedness to their school and community.
Student Leadership
The students at San Clemente appreciate the voice that the Student Leadership Team gives the student body. Students are able to contribute ideas and suggestions to continue to enhance the San Clemente community.

San Clemente is a community where the creative, unique and individual talents of every student are greatly appreciated, embraced and encouraged. San Clemente is very proud to offer a range of performance, drama, dance, music and visual arts extra-curricular activities for students to support their development and growth