Student Wellbeing Overview
Message from the Assistant Principal
The wellbeing of every student at San Clemente is vitally important. Our school consists of students from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures and its goal is to ensure each individual is acknowledged for their uniqueness in a faith filled environment. The aim is to ensure all students feel a strong sense of belonging and connectedness to their school and community.
Mentor Groups
Every student actively participates in a mentor session each fortnight. These forty minute sessions have an explicit focus on skills for life.
Mentors meet every morning with their groups not only for administration purposes but to engage and connect with their students. Students meet with their Mentor every fortnight for a structured Wellbeing session which aims to equip them with the knowledge and skills to improve their wellbeing and quality of life.
These classes are an opportunity to empower our students with skills that are particularly important for adolescents in the 21st century. Wellbeing is fundamental to quality learning. Mentor Teachers are given contemporary resources to utilise during this time. We will endeavour to include some of these resources in this section of the website.
The following Apps are recommended by renowned adolescent psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg and include his feedback in regard to each App:
- Mood Assessment Program
- MoodGYM
- MoodKIt
- iCope
- Smiling Mind
- Talking Anxiety
- Body Beautiful
- DeepSleep
- SuperBetter
- Live Happy
- Pillboxie
- iCounselor
- Mnf
As a Catholic school in the Dominican tradition
The philosophy behind our wellbeing system is underpinned by a strong emphasis on faith and gospel values.