Heritage, faith & growth
Our school is a nurturing environment marked by compassion where students are encouraged to grow and flourish. Our goal is to mold students into capable young individuals who can positively impact the world they inhabit. We take pride in our history, faith, and journey of progress, all of which we share with our Parish community.
Mission Statement
At San Clemente we are called to be a Catholic community inspired by St Dominic, developing the whole person through study, service and prayer.
San Clemente
Dominican Pillars
Our values reflect the four Dominican pillars of Prayer, Study, Community and Service, as well as the Five Ways to Wellbeing of Positive Education – Connect, Keep Learning, Take Notice, Be Active and Give.
Prayer is at the heart of the spiritual Dominican life. It is prayer that encompasses contemplation, liturgy and community. Students are encouraged through prayer to reflect, take notice of the world in which they live, connect to those around them and develop a personal relationship with God.
Study is not just learning for its own sake or for one’s own glory, it is about learning how to contribute positively to the world. Life of the mind cannot be separated from the heart. Faith is formed by reason and studying is grounding oneself to be a lifelong learner that seeks the truth. Students are encouraged to keep learning and strive towards achieving their own excellence using their God given gifts.
Community relates to members of the human race coming together to live together in unity and in a way that brings witness to the word. It involves all students engaging and taking notice of each other, rejecting all forms of discrimination, practicing personal accountability and responsibility in both the school and extended community.
Service is helping others in need. This relates to offering students opportunities to be active in becoming socially responsible global citizens. Service is being aware of inequalities and injustices, providing students with tools to better equip them for the future and learning to give to others.
Our Vision
Through active involvement, giving and positive connections our students will take notice and keep learning, living the Dominican pillars, striving towards excellence and truth.