Veritas is San Clemente’s newsletter which is published fortnightly. Find out the latest news, important information, articles of interest upcoming events and calendar items.
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Volunteers form a valuable part of our school communities. All volunteers must be enrolled and are subject to further checks in order to keep members of our community safe.
To become a volunteer, please follow the link below and complete the online Volunteer Forms.
San Clemente
We are so grateful for our community of volunteers at San Clemente and their investment towards working together to achieve a unified goal.
All parents, carers and community members of our school are invited and encouraged to volunteer.
The school employs staff to effectively manage the canteen and additionally, parents and friends of the school community, along with student leaders, volunteer to help support its operation. It contains a wide range of inexpensive, nutritious food as well as some traditional, home cooked meals that vary from week to week.
Profits made from the canteen are used to improve the school facilities and thus benefit the students.
Parent Engagement Group
All parents and carers of students at the School are invited to join us for these meetings and become actively involved in the discussion of parent/carer partnership in our children’s education.
The Parent Engagement Group will still be a regular meeting held monthly with the intention being that parents and carers can attend in person or online.